Drama and theater techniques in education

Course description:

The participants will learn about the drama methodology and improvisation theater techniques through hands on methods, role-plays, simulation exercises etc. The nature of this course is highly practical and hands on, so the participants will experience themselves the theater-based techniques while also reflecting on how to apply them to their context. They will learn how to design theater-based workshops and their multiple benefits for teaching values, skills, languages and other topics.


To get to know new practical and engaging drama techniques through hands-on methods.

Acquire knowledge about drama methodology and improvisation theater techniques.

To learn how to design theater-based lessons and the role of the facilitator.

To gain the confidence to lead and run theater-based lessons.

To learn how to increase creativity, spontaneity, intuition and active listening in the classroom.

To gain new ideas on how to integrate theater-based techniques in foreign language and native language learning.

To get inspired on how to integrate the drama approach in extracurricular activities and as a separate study subject.

To exchange of good practices on the use of theater techniques in education and expand and build on previous knowledge.

Acquire knowledge on how to care and preserve our voice when speaking in public for many hours (vocal hygiene and vocal care).

Get inspired on how to encourage a stimulating and open learning environment and foster collective learning.

Training activities:


  • Getting to know each other, building group cohesion and trust
  • Techniques to facilitate participation and motivation in the classroom
  • Presentations from all participants (prepared before the course)
  • Preparing the facilitator of theater classes
  • Physical awareness and body awakening
  • Removing fears and getting out of the comfort zone
  • Learning to connect with our playful side


  • The role of the facilitator in theater classes
  • Basic tools to exercise and optimize the voice, intonation and body language
  • Breathing techniques
  • Cooperation, self-expression and conflict resolution through theater
  • Group reflections and discussions on the theater methodology in class


  • Improvisation theater
  • Developing spontaneity, intuition and active listening
  • Exercise: Expressing emotions through body movements
  • Verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal communication
  • Exercise in pairs: The importance of eye-contact
  • Drama and improvisation theater in extracurricular education
  • Exchange of good practices on integrating drama methodology in other subjects


  • Drama methodology
  • The design of theater-based lessons (styles, character composition, setting, the structure of an improvisation scene etc.)
  • Role plays and simulation exercises
  • Theater as a tool to teach languages (vocabulary, improving phonetic competences and narrative abilities)
  • Generating empathy with learners that do not speak the language


  • Practical work: representation of the results in front of an audience
  • Open discussion on possible future collaborations and planning follow up activities
  • Summary of key learning points
  • Final course evaluation and feedback
  • Validation of learning outcomes and handling certificates


Our focus is on showing the participants how the learners’ motivation increases when they become the actors of their own learning because the teacher takes the role of facilitator or learning guide.

Energizers, games and group reflections are foreseen daily in order to ensure a positive energy and a cooperative learning climate in the group.

We tailor our working methods based upon the participants‘ needs and professional profiles in order to ensure easier adaptability and application of the tools to the real life.

We will take care of you

    • Support and Emergency Helpline Whatsapp group with all participants for easy communication and interaction between each other.
    • Useful pdf presentation with the most important information about food, transportation and places to visit in Tenerife.
    • Free afternoons to explore beauty of Tenerife.
    • Visit to Teide National Park – optional.
    • No requirements for accommodation, you can choose whatever you want (in the city where the course takes place).

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