Multicultural classrooms: Art-based teaching strategies
Collaborative art-based teaching methods (collage, clay, drawing, dancing and body movement etc.) are suitable for teaching tolerance, diversity and empathy in multicultural classrooms, irrespective of existing language barriers. This course can be targeted either to school teachers or to educators teaching adults and seniors, or both.
Art-based teaching methods can be a source of inspiration for all teachers who want to teach differently concepts like tolerance, diversity and inclusion in multicultural classrooms of adults, seniors or children. This course helps teachers boost their self-confidence with using creative techniques in order to break possible language barriers and adapt to the different learning styles.
Collaborative art-based exercises are very suitable for teaching a variety of interdisciplinary topics in diverse and inter-generational classrooms. Art helps learners express their emotions, especially when they learn in a second language they don’t master. By using learning-by-doing methods focused on non-verbal interactions rather than talking, reading or writing, teachers can encourage participation of disadvantaged learners and increase group cohesion.
Since art is typically taught in school and, except the case when adults have discovered a particular artistic talent, people often stop using their (other) artistic skills. Furthermore, adults and children from vulnerable backgrounds are even more prone to do). By helping learners to see art as an experience that everyone can do for enjoyment rather than an outcome consumed by elites, teachers can boost the self-esteem and empower their learners at the same time as creating a stimulative and engaging learning environment.

Our focus is on showing the participants how the learners’ motivation increases when they become the actors of their own learning because the teacher takes the role of facilitator or learning guide.
Energizers, games and group reflections are foreseen daily in order to ensure a positive energy and a cooperative learning climate in the group.
We tailor our working methods based upon the participants‘ needs and professional profiles in order to ensure easier adaptability and application of the tools to the real life.
We will take care of you
- Support and Emergency Helpline Whatsapp group with all participants for easy communication and interaction between each other.
- Useful pdf presentation with the most important information about food, transportation and places to visit in Tenerife.
- Free afternoons to explore beauty of Tenerife.
- Visit to Teide National Park – optional.
- No requirements for accommodation, you can choose whatever you want (in the city where the course takes place).
After course:
- Teaching materials in pdf to use in your classes afterwards.
- Photos for dissemination.
- The certificate of attendance and support with all documents needed.