Promoting democratic participation, social inclusion and intercultural dialogue through active learning methods

Course description:

Acquire the skills to promote democratic participation and social inclusion, key priorities of Erasmus+. Engage in non-formal education activities to experience and learn methods for teaching participatory skills, active citizenship, and community involvement. Gain insights into fostering intercultural dialogue and inclusive practices for positive social change.


Get new knowledge of concepts related to democratic participation, active citizenship and social inclusion

Acquire innovative tools to develop participatory skills, critical thinking and social and intercultural competences for better social and civic engagement.

Strengthen the skills to apply non-formal education to promote community involvement

Get new understanding of ethical behavior and social responsibility

Gain new experiential learning methods to enhance participatory skills (active listening, empathy, self-expression, critical thinking, resilience, adaptability etc)

Training activities:

Day 1 – Introduction to democratic participation, inclusion and diversity

  • Welcome to the course
  • Ice breaking: Getting to know each other
  • Fun exercises to build group cohesion
  • Concept mapping: active citizenship, democratic participation, inclusion and diversity
  • Brainsketching exercise: sociocracy, grassroots activism, participatory budgeting, citizen assembly
  • Debate:  Sense of responsibility and ethical behavior in a complex society
  • Exchanging good practices on democratic participation and community involvement

Day 2 – Activities at an NGO promoting active citizenship

  • Using sustainability as tools for promoting social inclusion and community involvement.
  • Grassroot approach in civic participation.  
  • Best practice example: Intercultural summer camp. Horizontal approach when working with people from other cultural or social backgrounds. 
  • How to organise inclusive, family-friendly activities that engage participants of all ages, fostering intergenerational connections.
  • Collective projects and community gardens. The benefits of nature  for promoting social inclusion and diversity.
  • Reflection: the benefits of active participation and its impact on civic society.

Day 3 – Outdoor games to promote social inclusion

  • Outdoor tools to promote team building, sense of belonging to the group and appreciation of diversity.
  • Active learning tools (team challenge or treasure hunt) to teach EU values.
  • Improving the ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity. How to increase the motivation, determination, perseverance, adaptability to changes and resilience.
  • Practical exercises to train self-confidence, self expression and voicing opinions.

Day 4 – Participatory skills

  • Reflection: What social and intercultural competences do we need to promote active citizenship?
  • Non-verbal methods to promote inclusive communication and collaboration, breaking down barriers such as language or cultural differences. 
  • Group exercises to foster connection, empathy, active listening and sense of belonging to the community.
  • Group reflection on how these methods can be applied in personal and professional contexts to enhance participation and inclusion.

Day 5 – Role-playing and community involvement

  • Putting ourselves in the shoes of disadvantaged members of the society.
  • Using role-playing as a tool to reflect on a more inclusive society and improve empathy.
  • The difference between equality, equity and justice. Reflection of privileges.
  • Practical exercise: Examples of collective actions and active citizenship.

Group work: design your own project to promote community involvement and active citizenship

Final course evaluation and feedback

Validation of learning outcomes and handling certificates

Day 6 – Optional: Field trip and outdoor education in Teide National Park

Optional as 6th day or afternoon activity: Field trip in Teide National Park with view to the sea and the 3700m Teide Volcano. Sustainable tourism. The potential of legends and drama in teaching. Using stargazing as an educational tool.


Our focus is on showing the participants how the learners’ motivation increases when they become the actors of their own learning because the teacher takes the role of facilitator or learning guide.

Energizers, games and group reflections are foreseen daily in order to ensure a positive energy and a cooperative learning climate in the group.

We tailor our working methods based upon the participants‘ needs and professional profiles in order to ensure easier adaptability and application of the tools to the real life.

We will take care of you

    • Support and Emergency Helpline Whatsapp group with all participants for easy communication and interaction between each other.
    • Useful pdf presentation with the most important information about food, transportation and places to visit in Tenerife.
    • Free afternoons to explore beauty of Tenerife.
    • Visit to Teide National Park – optional.
    • No requirements for accommodation, you can choose whatever you want (in the city where the course takes place).

    After course:

    • Teaching materials in pdf to use in your classes afterwards.
    • Photos for dissemination.
    • The certificate of attendance and support with all documents needed.

Contact us

    Responsible: Asociación Socio-Educativa Eduplus
    Purpose: Manage and respond to your inquiries and requests.
    Rights: You can exercise your right of access, rectification, deletion, and others, as explained in the extended information that you can find by visiting our privacy policy.