What is ERASMUS+ mobility?

Erasmus+ mobility is a visit abroad to learn from another educational organisation. It offers your staff career-changing opportunities to develop their learning and teaching. Schools can send professionals in pre-primary, primary, or secondary/vocational school education on Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (Key Action 1) activities to expand their knowledge and skills, or improve their language competencies. Mobility activities provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge as well as working methods, and to get a broader perspective on education.

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience or volunteer abroad.

Through KA1 Staff Mobility projects, schools (pre- primary, primary and secondary) and adult education centers from EU countries (and some non-EU programme countries) can apply for funding to cover course fees, travel costs, accommodation and food and preparation costs for teachers and other school staff to attend training in another country.

Five benefits of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility projects:

  • Improve teaching and learning
  • Expand pupils’ horizons
  • Provide unique professional development experiences for school staff
  • Raise your school’s profile
  • Connect with stakeholder organisations

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is available here, available in English and most European languages.

Erasmus+ Programme Guide

 Pre-register to our courses!

Tell us about your project. How many participants do you want to send? What are the profiles of the teachers/staff interested in the course?

PARTICIPANT INTERVIEW – Natalja, English teacher


Tenerife Courses consortium hosts Erasmus+ teaching staff mobilities for teachers, trainers and adult educators all over Europe. We organize Erasmus+ KA1 training courses and job-shadowing visits for teachers in collaboration with local organizations and trainers.


We teach using active learning, experiential learning, Inquiry Based Learning and collaborative learning methodsWe have a hands on approach that comprises group dynamics, role plays, experiments, case studies and simulation exercises.

A glimpse of Tenerife


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