I want to apply to an Erasmus+ grant to attend one of your courses, what should I do?

If you want to apply for an Erasmus+ Mobility Grant, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Fill in our Course Registration Form, available here
  2. Follow the application procedure for the Erasmus+ grant. Detailed information available here
  3. If you need our Partner information and more information, download it here
  4. If you need a confirmation letter of acceptance or other documents, download them here
  5. Once your grant is approved, contact us to establish the dates of the course. We generally confirm the dates 2-3 months in advance, once the minimum of participants with grants is met.

You will find more detailed information in the Practical Guide from E.U., available here.

PARTICIPANT INTERVIEW – Natalja, English teacher


Tenerife Courses consortium hosts Erasmus+ teaching staff mobilities for teachers, trainers and adult educators all over Europe. We organize Erasmus+ KA1 training courses and job-shadowing visits for teachers in collaboration with local organizations and trainers.


We teach using active learning, experiential learning, Inquiry Based Learning and collaborative learning methodsWe have a hands on approach that comprises group dynamics, role plays, experiments, case studies and simulation exercises.

A glimpse of Tenerife


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